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Join Us For Our AGM

07 Jan Posted by in Community, James Bay Market, News | Comments
Join Us For Our AGM

Greetings and Happy New Year to all members and potential members of the James Bay Market Society ~

We hope you will join us at the JBMS Annual General Meeting on Saturday, January 31 at the James Bay New Horizons Centre, 234 Menzies Street.

In the spirit of community living, the JBMS was founded by residents of James Bay to promote the benefits of a local market with the intent to
foster the uniqueness of James Bay. The purposes of this society are:
. to encourage and develop an awareness of the importance of local agriculture, art and craft
. to encourage education abut the environment, healthy living and organic farming
. to provide a direct sales outlet in the neighbourhood for locally produced goods including: hand-crafted items, art, produce and home
prepared foods
. to provide an atmosphere that encourages community interaction and participation of the neighbourhood

Come for a potluck Lunch at 11:30 am (bring your own plate/cutlery, kitchen facilities available). The Meeting will start at 1 pm.

Membership fees for 2015 will be collected and receipted from 11:30 am – 1 pm; payment is cash or cheque made out to the James Bay Market
Society. Paid-up members have a vote at the AGM (one vote per business/company/individual).

This is your opportunity to re-connect with colleagues, meet new people, and contribute to the health of our community organization with
your ideas, energy and talents.

The business of the AGM includes:
– the financial state of the organization and projected budget for 2015
– reports on the summer market, Dickens Fair, and Seedy Saturday 2014
– board decisions regarding governance of the Society
– proposals for the coming year with the opportunity for members’ comments
– recognition of volunteers
– description of Directors’ individual and collective responsibilities as Board members
– election of Board of Directors (maximum 9 people)
– other

proper AGM agenda to follow

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