The farmers at the James Bay Community Market have a good selection of starters for your garden.
Our farmers not only have a wide selection of produce available, but have starter plants so that you can grow vegetables in your own garden or planter! The pictures above are just a sample of the starter plants available at the James Bay Community Market.
To be able to follow the BC CDC regulations for Farmers Markets we have expanded the James Bay Community Market physically, so we can still provide you with a wide variety of produce from our local farmers, great and tasty locally made foods and wonderful and unique, locally made crafts.
Do come down and take a look this Saturday and every Saturday until October 2nd at the corner of Menzies and Superior in James Bay. Please note our hours – 9 am to 3 pm.
The vendor details can now be found on Vendors – James Bay Community Market
and we have a fair number of pictures taken at the market this season, take a look: James Bay Community Market – Vendor Pictures