Sad but true, the summer market season is almost over. This is the second to last saturday to enjoy the market which is in full swing with farmers, food producers, crafters, artisans and live, local music! At this time of the year, there is a really good selection of local, fresh produce available. Now that […]
This year, Feast of Fields is coming directly to your backyard for one of the most unique home-dining experiences of the season. Thoughtfully crafted harvest-style boxes containing everything you need to assemble a ready-to-eat gourmet feast for two will be ready for pick-up at a picturesque local vineyard when it is time to Feast. Inside, […]
This is your chance to meet Stephen Andrew and share your concerns with him. While you are here, make sure to visit our farmers, food producers, crafters and artisans. To be able to follow the BC CDC regulations for Farmers Markets we have expanded the James Bay Community Market physically, so we can still provide […]
The James Bay Community Market will host an information area outlining the James Bay Cycling Routes on May 29th, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Planning is underway for the next phase in the 32km All Ages and Abilities (AAA) cycling network. The City is currently seeking final input from residents, businesses and commuters on […]
Due to the pandemic, the JBMS board decided at their last meeting, held on January 11th, 2021 to postpone their AGM to June of 2021. In previous years our AGM was always held sometime in February but the provincial government’s Society Act has been amended to give us permission to postpone our AGM until November […]
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