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Organic Farming  // Browsing posts in Organic Farming

Living Light at the JBM!

Living Light at the JBM!

Ah yes, the lazy days are summer have arrived and with it, all the bounty of the season. The warm weather has the farmers smiling as their summer harvest is in full swing, as we, the market supporters, receive the abundance that is offered. In addition to the overflowing fresh fruit, veggies and flowers offered, […]


Introducing The 2012 James Bay Market Vendors!!

Introducing The 2012 James Bay Market Vendors!!

The James Bay Market ~ Handmade. Homemade, Homegrown. We’ve confirmed over 60 vendors for 2012 and will continue to grow our community and extend our reach throughout the season, so come hang out at the James Bay Market; pick up some produce, a gift for yourself or a friend, a bite to eat and quench […]